Harrogate Local Plan - H2


The petition has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council and is now closed to new signatories. Please keep an eye out for any further consultation process from NYC and get involved! Thank you for your support!

The Harrogate District Local Plan includes land parcel H2 situated North of Knox Lane Harrogate. H2 was originally designated as H100 (Land at Bilton) but was re-designated H2 (Land North of Knox Lane) before inclusion in the Plan.

Harrogate Borough Council’s own site assessments of H2 in 2013 and 2016 found the land unsuitable for development, stating that: it failed suitability tests on all six criteria for accessibility: it is situated entirely within Warren Bank Special Landscape Area (SLA): development would have adverse or highly adverse effects on historic environment, priority habitats and/or species and landscape.

There have been no material changes to the site since these reports were written and the land remains within the Warren Bank SLA. It therefore remains unsuitable for development.

Furthermore, the number of houses allocated in the Plan, plus existing permissions and dwellings already completed, provide for an oversupply against the Plan period housing requirement. Therefore, it is not necessary for this land at Knox to be developed to meet the Council’s stated plan for housing.

The land has effectively reverted to nature. With some planting of specially selected trees and other local species it can become an area of rewilding. In this way it can actively support biodiversity at the edge of Harrogate and contribute significantly to the White Rose Forest, a major initiative supported by both Harrogate and North Yorkshire Council.

For these reasons we the undersigned (being over 18 years of age) request that Harrogate Borough Council reviews the Harrogate District Local Plan at the earliest opportunity and removes the land known as H2 (Land North of Knox Lane).

The petition has been submitted to North Yorkshire Council and is now closed to new signatories. Please keep an eye out for any further consultation process from NYC and get involved! Thank you for your support!
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By signing this petition you agree for your details (name and address) to be published as a signatory to the petition which will be submitted to Harrogate Borough Council, North Yorkshire Planning Authority, local councillors and HM Government. You confirm that the details you provide are factual, that the signatory is a UK resident aged over 18, gives their consent to sign and does so free of any duress or inducement. Only one signature per individual is permitted. If you choose to supply your email address we may follow-up with updates on the campaign (omit this field if you prefer not to hear from us).